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This Homepage contains lots of information on Philippine animals and Philippine diving.

The diving experiences here expressed and found next to each dive (in VIEW) are strictly personal and should be used as a guide only. POPPE-IMAGES or the authors Guido and Philippe Poppe or members of Conchology, Inc. are not responsible for any acts and/or accidents by diving in the Philippines, or in and around mentioned places.
The determinations of the animals shown are based mainly on literature which is NOT scientific. While they can be used as a guide, they should not be considered scientific, except for the ones in Gastropods (excluding nudibranches) and Bivalvia.

While a degree of correctness is our goal, no scientist can claim to know all about all animals. The confusion in popular literature is big and reflected in the determinations made here in Poppe-Images.
We look for collaboration for determinations, please contact us if expert in one or another field, or for flagrant mistakes.
In LAB we show photographs that cannot be taken in nature, or photographs that reveal details of animals which cannot be seen when photographed in their habitat. It concerns among others as a set of photographs taken during the Panglao Marine Biodiversity Project 2004, of which the copyright is shared between the Museum National de Histoire Naturelle, Paris and Conchology, Inc.

But the majority of images in LAB to come will concern animals living too deep for safe diving or too small for conventional photography.